Rory and Abby recently purchased a home and Brian and I thought it would be fun to take the weekend and go visit with them. We haven't been back to visit them since we moved them up there after their wedding. We left early Sunday morning and after about a six hour drive we arrived there just in time to see Rory leave for work. Abby was a very gracious hostess though. She kept us busy the rest of the day. She took us to see the new house and also on a tour of downtown Boise (where we had never been). We visited a place called the Westside Drive Inn where we experienced an ice cream potato. Seriously, this thing looks so much like a baked potato if you didn't bite into it and find out it was ice cream you wouldn't know. It was yummy!!!!
We had a great steak at Texas Roadhouse for Brian's birthday. We helped put new tile in the master bathroom and fix a few light switches. The house is really cute and it will be nice for them to be buying something rather than throwing money away on rent. It was fun to get away for a few days and spend time with them.
The famous "ice cream potato"!
Rory in front of the new house.
(I never did get both he and Abby there at the same time.)