Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Land of the Long White Cloud

After nine days of waiting.....the mission call finally arrived. Aunt Lorri called at about 8:30 yesterday morning to tell us that we needed to come visit her at the post office because the call was there. Our only dilema then was how we were going to get everyone together for him to read it. Dad was clear over in Wyoming at work and Rory and Abby had classes at Utah State until 2:30 that afternoon. Kade didn't want to wait that long to open it. We decided that he and I would jump in the car and drive to where Dad was and then open the call with Rory and Abby on the speaker phone. We picked up the call from the post office and headed down the road towards Kemmerer. We called Brian just as we were arriving in Kemmerer and he told us to head north towards Big Piney because he was working nearing the Shute Creek plant. We headed north on not so great roads (why does the wind blow continually in Wyoming?) I knew that not too far down the road that I would need to turn off the main road and head in another direction. I told Kade to call and ask Brian where we needed to turn. Brian didn't answer his phone. We called over and over again and he still didn't answer. I was starting to get a little nervous and didn't know what to do. I knew Kade was anxious to get his call opened. Finally, Brian called us back. He had just realized he didn't have cell service where he was at and had to drive up the road a little ways to reach us. He told us where to meet him at. We were going to park near the banks of Green River and open it. That would have been really appropriate because many of Kade's ancestors had crossed that river on their way to the Salt Lake Valley in order the fully embrace the gospel he will be going to preach. We couldn't get cell service there though and Kade wanted Rory and Abby to be on the phone when he opened the call. Dad took us a little further down the road until we had good service and Kade opened the call.

He will serve in the New Zealand Wellington Mission (English speaking) and he enters the MTC in Provo on the 6th of May. He was thrilled with the call. Brian, Rory and I all cried when he opened it. He was so cute.....he opened the other information that comes with the call and just happens to include a map of the area. He was like......I'm going to be out in the middle of the ocean!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where in the world. . . .

is Kade going to get sent on his mission. The papers are in and we are expecting the call any day now. Seriously, I think I'm going to die before I find out.

When you get looking at it the world is a big big place. There are so many missions. Do you think he will stay in the states or go foreign? Let me hear your best guesses and I will post as soon as we know. As soon as Kade goes into the MTC the Woodruff Ward will have ten missionaries out at once. I'm so proud of the youth in our ward for choosing to serve their Heavenly Father.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm one step closer. . . .

to being a grandma! Yahoooo!!!!! Rory proposed to his girlfriend Abby today and she said yes. We love Abby and are thrilled with Rory's choice.

I thought Rory came up with a totally cute and unique way to ask Abby so when you see them ask them how he popped the question. Congrats Rory and Abby :) Love you both.