Friday, April 24, 2009

So long.....farewell...and I love my little village!!!!

I know we aren't supposed to call them "Missionary Farewell" anymore, but for lack of a better word, Kade and one of his friends, Matt Hutchinson had theirs this past Sunday. I don't remember having two farewells in the same ward since.....well probably since Kade's dad and Russell Thomson left on their missions in 1979. They split the Randolph Ward into two wards when Brian and Russell left and made Randolph 1st and 2nd ward. Brian was the first missionary to leave from Randolph 1st and Russell was the first missionary to leave from Randolph 2nd.
Anyway, Sunday was a great day!So many family members and friends coming to wish these two young men well as they leave for their missions. We had a lovely dinner at the town hall after sacrament meeting. Kade was able to visit with family members and friends that he won't see again for two years.
Thanks to all of his friends and family members for being such great examples to Kade through the years. I'm definitely not a Hilary Clinton fan at all....but I do have to agree with her on one does take a village to raise a child.
I am so blessed to live in this community. Recently, when I was in Seattle, Abby's family was asking me about the little town I live in. When I told them how small it was one cousin asked me, "But doesn't everyone know everyone else's business?" Rory quickly remarked, "Oh yeah, I couldn't do anything wrong because my mom always knew about it when I got home." Hahahahaha I said yes my friends do know what is happening in my life, but you know what, we are all family in Woodruff. When something happens to one of us it happens to all of us. I know that no matter what happens in my life....good or bad.....I can call any one of my friends and get help and support in an instant. What a blessing it is to know that I have that many people behind me to buoy me up when I'm down or to celebrate with me when I'm happy. You have been there for me when one son was diagnosed with leukemia and you are still here for me as my youngest son leaves on his mission. I was overwhelmed with the out pouring of love that was shown to our family on Sunday. Please know that I love all of you and I'm very proud to tell anyone that I'm from Woodruff. It might be one of the coldest places temperature wise....but the people do have the biggest warmest hearts of anyone around.


Nick, Kristen, Kaysen, Breklyn and Brayden said...

I actually was at Kade and Matt's farewell! They both did such a great job and Kade was so cute and did wonderful! He is ready to go and serve the Lord and anyone that saw and heard him knows that! I am so proud of all the missionaries in the Woodruff ward! When I was there we where lucky to have a couple missionaries out at the same time but you have so many out serving right now. I am so impressed! I was hoping to say hi to you personally and tell you what a wonderful son you have (I am sure you heard that a lot, but it is always nice to hear more) but I actually had to leave early because of to bad children! Also you did a beautiful job playing the piano and getting all those young men to sing! It was wonderful! My thoughts are with you and Kade leaves. I am sure it will be so hard but so worth it! Your baby is growing up and I remember when he was just little! You guys have done such a good job with your boys, be proud. And about the Woodruff thing I totally agree. In some ways it was so hard but in most ways it was wonderful and I am so thankful for the friendships and relationships I still have there. (sorry this was so long) Good luck in the upcoming weeks.

Penny said...

The farewell was wonderful!! I can't believe how many people were there! Jason was so nervous, but honored to have been asked to speak with them.
I saw Kade at the store the other day, and talked to him for a bit. He is going to be such a great missionary! I am so glad to have great examples for my kids to look up to.
I also love living in Woodruff, I didn't think I ever would when I first moved here, but now I feel so blessed to be here and be able to raise my kids here, I really don't think there is anywhere else that has the strenght of the church, and such a close knit community as here!

Megan said...

That is so neat that kade is going on a mission and too a pretty neat place too!

Kyle & Shanna said...

I was so sad I missed their farewell. I wanted to go but I had my voice thing that day and needed to hurry to get back to Logan. I hope Kade and Matt enjoy their missions, and hopefully I'll be able to write to them.